Lutheran Braille Workers exists to show the love of God to people with visual disabilities and to bring them into a growing relationship with God.  We do this by engaging some 5,000 volunteers in over 150 Work Centers throughout the United States who joyfully produce approximately 250,000 volumes a year of Braille and specialized Large Print Bibles and Christian literature.

Lutheran Braille Workers is the largest Christian ministry in the world that provides Braille and specialized Large Print Bibles free of charge for the visually impaired. Thanks to the army of volunteers and thousands who financially support this ministry, Lutheran Braille Workers is able to place the Word of God into the hands of the blind and visually impaired at no expense to them.

Grace Lutheran Church is one of the 150 Work Centers producing large print books of the Bible.  The workers meets weekly on Wednesday mornings. If you would like to help fund this mission, please send donations to Grace Lutheran Church office marked for Lutheran Braille Workers.